Welcome to PRISM

Welcome to PRISM

Practitioner Resource Ideas for Student Money Advice

Our cycle of Plan, Do, Reflect and Share encourages student money advisers to develop and share best practice and, as a result, increase the financial capability of their students.


Our simple four step process – Plan, Do, Reflect, Share – will guide your financial capability interventions and help you get the best outcomes.


These are completed financial capability interventions which practitioners have Planned, Done, Reflected On and Shared via PRISM.


Our simple four step process – Plan, Do, Reflect, Share – will guide your project and help you get the best outcomes.

Links to helpful websites

Student financial capability research

This research, conducted with 5,118 full-time undergraduate students, examines the student experience of money at university or college to help understand the financial pressures facing students.


Risk Register

Use this risk register template to document the risk/s to your money management intervention and plan what you are going to do to reduce the risk/s.


Risk Guidance

This will provide useful guidance when using the risk register template