

"The object of all work is production or accomplishment and to either of these ends there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose, as well as perspiration." Thomas A. Edison

We all know how to deliver money management support (a financial capability intervention) – even if we know it by another term!  However the template will help you think about and document the tasks you need to complete before, during and after your intervention, and any associated risks that may prevent the intervention from taking place:

  • Before      Tasks to be completed before your intervention
  • During     Tasks that can only be carried out on the day of your intervention
  • After         Tasks to be completed after your intervention (next steps)
  • Risks        What could de-rail my intervention?  What can I do to mitigate the risk of this happening?


Create a project

The PRISM toolkit is based upon the concept of “collective impact” which is where large-scale social change comes from cross-sector co-ordination, not isolated interventions or individual organisations. You can help to achieve a collective money management impact for our students by developing and sharing best practice. The toolkit will take you through a step-by-step journey, based on the cycle of: Plan, Do, Reflect and Share... start your journey now by creating a project to document your money management support project/workshop/session/intervention/activity.

Create a project