

REFLECTING, like planning, is something that is often overlooked due to pressure of work. However, it is only through targeted reflection that you will reap the benefits discussed in the PLANNING section. Reflection is also a prerequisite of improvement: both of the financial capability interventions that you carry out for the benefit of your students and of yourself as a practitioner.

Working through this section of the template will enable you to evaluate whether your money support intervention met your goals.

If it did – that’s fantastic, and the template will enable you to document what went well (this will help with planning future interventions) and decide what the next steps are to build on your success.

If it didn’t – don’t think that you have failed!  We often learn more from our successes than from our failures.  This will also help with planning future interventions.

The template will allow you to think critically but constructively about what you could do differently either to revise your goals for next time or, if you decide that your goals are the right ones, to enhance the delivery of your money support intervention.

Create a project

The PRISM toolkit is based upon the concept of “collective impact” which is where large-scale social change comes from cross-sector co-ordination, not isolated interventions or individual organisations. You can help to achieve a collective money management impact for our students by developing and sharing best practice. The toolkit will take you through a step-by-step journey, based on the cycle of: Plan, Do, Reflect and Share... start your journey now by creating a project to document your money management support project/workshop/session/intervention/activity.

Create a project