Risk Guidance

This will provide useful guidance when using the risk register template

The risk guidance template will show you how to score your risk against the impact (what are the consequences) and the likelihood (how likely is the risk to happen).

We take risks and actions to reduce the impact of risks every day of our lives, without maybe thinking about it. When you go on holiday and trust the airline with your luggage you are taking a risk... I am sure we have all heard/experienced lost luggage horror stories. To minimise this risk you could take out travel insurance that promises to refund any lost luggage, you are reducing the impact of the risk.

Create a project

The PRISM toolkit is based upon the concept of “collective impact” which is where large-scale social change comes from cross-sector co-ordination, not isolated interventions or individual organisations. You can help to achieve a collective money management impact for our students by developing and sharing best practice. The toolkit will take you through a step-by-step journey, based on the cycle of: Plan, Do, Reflect and Share... start your journey now by creating a project to document your money management support project/workshop/session/intervention/activity.

Create a project