Risk Register

Use this risk register template to document the risk/s to your money management intervention and plan what you are going to do to reduce the risk/s.

Risk management is the process of identifying possible risks or potential problems before they occur.  This will enable you to create mitigations to avoid the risk or minimise its impact.

If a risk isn't mitigated it could become an issue at a later date. Take action now, think about what the risks are to your intervention and how you can reduce the impact.

Create a project

The PRISM toolkit is based upon the concept of “collective impact” which is where large-scale social change comes from cross-sector co-ordination, not isolated interventions or individual organisations. You can help to achieve a collective money management impact for our students by developing and sharing best practice. The toolkit will take you through a step-by-step journey, based on the cycle of: Plan, Do, Reflect and Share... start your journey now by creating a project to document your money management support project/workshop/session/intervention/activity.

Create a project